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Smart phone apps can be useful resources in your efforts to work through struggles and improve your life. I have listed these apps to help you build new skills and practice skills learned in therapy.
Disclaimer: Mental health apps are not intended as replacements for therapy. I do not claim responsibility for the content contained therein. Please consult with a mental health professional if you have any questions regarding content found on these apps.
Android Apps
- Breathe2Relax
- Daily Yoga
- DBT Self-Help
- Deep Sleep with Andrew Johnson
- Depression CBT Self-Help Guide
- Headspace
- Insight Timer
- Moz Relax
- Moz Refresh Your Brain Relaxation
- PE Coach (in conjunction with therapy)
- PTSD Coach
- Relax and Rest Guided Meditation
- Relaxmelodies
- Self-Help Anxiety Management (SAM)
- Stop Panic & Anxiety Self-Help
- Suicide Crisis Support
- T2 Mood Tracker
- Tactical Breather
- Virtual Hope Box
- What's Up?
iPhone Apps
- BAC-Calculator
- BellyBio
- Breathe2Relax
- DBT Diary Card and Skills Coach
- DBT Review
- Depression Check
- Drink Tracker
- eCBT Calm (also have Mood and Trauma)
- Guard Your Buddy
- Headspace
- iCounselor Anxiety
- iCounselor Anger
- iCounselor Depression
- iCounselor Eating Disorder
- iCounselor OCD
- iSleepEasy
- Insight Timer
- LetPanicGo
- Live OCD Free
- One Thing To Do Today
- Operation Reach Out
- PE Coach (in conjunction with therapy)
- Pocket Schedule
- PTSD Coach
- Quit Guide
- Relax Melodies
- RxmindMe Prescription
- Self-Help Anxiety Management (SAM)
- Silent Island
- Smart Alarm Clock
- T2 Mood Tracker
- Virtual Hope Box
- What's Up?
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